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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Less Geek, More Nerd

I think if you are labeled a geek you are supposed to know about computers. Obviously not applicable to me....I think maybe a nerd means the same thing but not as strongly. So I guess, I will have to aim for nerd. I would like to be more geek-like but Tina thinks we are too old. :) I think I am just too stupid! Plus, it just seems to me that the "geeks" spend way too much time on the planet Geektra* figuring out new places to list/talk about their wares. I would much rather make the wares. It all seems rather exhausting to me! But I am trying.

*When Mary Ann and I were younger geeks were just people who were a little odder than other people and we were proud to be from the planet Geektra.

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